Young Influencers
We are the Gloucestershire Hospitals Young Influencers. We work as a group to get young voices heard and make a difference in the Trust and our local community.
If you too would like to speak up, learn new skills and help improve the hospital services for children and young people, we are always looking for more young people to join us. You do not need any particular skills or experience; we just ask you to show up and share your views.
Who we are
- Young people aged 14–22 years old
- Some of us are patients
- Some of us are ex-patients
- Some of us carers
- All of us want to make a difference to young people’s services at the hospital
What we do
- We let the hospital know what matters to us
- We provide feedback on our experiences, both good and bad
- We share our opinions on current and new services
- We outreach in the community to find out what matters to other young people
- We aim to make a difference to the outcomes of young people accessing the hospital
How we do it
- We meet one evening a month either at Gloucester Hospital or in a local community centre
- We speak directly to children’s departments and patient experience teams
- We support the design of new projects and marketing materials
- We attend community events to share our work and spread the word
- To speak up for children and young people and improve the services they receive in the hospital
- To be part of something meaningful and to make a difference
- To shape the future of the Trust
- To gain experience and transferrable skills
- Because we care

Get involved
Whether you’re a first-timer or have been involved in similar groups before, you’re welcome to join us alone or bring a friend. We’re all family here.
Meetings are always outside school hours and whilst we ask for your commitment, we also understand your availability can vary so if you cannot make a meeting, that is ok. We recognise that everyone is different and will provide all the support you need to make our meetings accessible.
Apply to be a Young Influencer
If you wish apply to be a Young Influencer, please complete the form below.
Young Influencers interest form
Any questions? Email: