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2 Apr 2018, 9:11 a.m.

Over Easter, local charity ‘Feed the Hungry’ donated around 1,500 chocolate eggs for our inpatients, our volunteers and our staff.

The charity’s founder Hash Norat, his daughter and lots of local people donated Easter Eggs and, at the last count, they had collected around 2,500 chocolate eggs.

Our porters and our nursing teams went the extra mile to distributed eggs across our hospital sites. Hash and his daughter Amina joined our Chief Executive Deborah Lee, our Chief Nurse and Director of Quality Steve Hams and ward Sister Fran Wilson and her team on Gallery Ward at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital on Thursday afternoon. They arrived with some staff from Tesco, Kevin Mannion and Henry Purdy from Gloucester Rugby club as well as the Right Worshipful Mayor of Gloucester Cllr Steve Morgan where they gave eggs to patients on the ward including Vera Chapman, Brenda Spyer, John Leece and Mary Wilkins.

The charity also shared eggs with other groups across the county including the Fire Service, community hospitals, Nelson Trust and many others.

Thanks also to all those who helped organise and distribute the eggs across the hospitals especially Pete Scarrott and the Portering Team, Karen Organ from our Cheltenham & Gloucester Charity and Emma McDonald from the Nursing Management team.