
Cheltenham General Hospital


The Lilleybrook ward cares for patients being treated for cancer. We are in the Oncology centre, on the ground floor at the back of Cheltenham General Hospital.

Alternative telephone number: 0300 422 4834

What to expect

When you arrive on the ward, you will be shown to your bed. You may have to wait in the day room until your bed is ready, but someone will let you know and keep you updated with any changes.

A nurse will admit you and a doctor will then take your medical details. You may also have a blood sample taken.


Lilleybrook is a modern ward with good facilities, including:

  • a day room
  • a garden
  • free WiFi
  • single sex accommodation
  • toilet and hygiene facilities
  • easy access to the Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity Shop (Oncology waiting room, ground floor)

If you have any concerns during your stay with us, or if you have suggestions for how we can improve our service, speak to the ward manager or any of the staff nurses on duty.

Food and drink

You will be given a menu card every day to choose your meals for the next day:

  • Early morning Tea: 6.45 am to 7 am
  • Breakfast: 7.45 am - 8.30 am
  • Lunch: 12 midday
  • Supper: 5 pm

Hot and cold drinks are served throughout the day. Read more about food and drink in our hospitals.


Visiting times are between 11am and 8pm, with quiet time between 1pm and 3pm for patients to rest. We ask for a maximum of two visitors at a time because:

  • patients may tire more easily and will need to rest
  • overcrowding risks the health and safety of patients, visitors and staff

We understand that you may want to bring a gift, but we ask that you avoid bringing flowers as we have limited space, and they can increase the risk of infection.

Contact us

You can contact the ward on 0300 422 4010 or 0300 422 4110. We will let you and your family know the best time to call for updates.

We ask that you nominate one person for us to contact with any news, who can then relay information to other friends and family. You can also bring your own phone with you, so you can stay in contact with family and friends during your stay.