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15 Oct 2018, 11:05 a.m.

We are working with GlosFire this week to promote home fire safety

We are working with Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service this week to promote home fire safety. They have produced a range of materials aimed at keeping people as safe as possible.

Two in three people who died in domestic fires had a smoke alarm...but it didn't work! Help us to help you stay safe.

Working Smoke alarms save lives. They cost around £5 and are easily fitted. They are widely available from DIY, hardware and electrical shops and some supermarkets. Everyone can benefit from properly fitted and maintained smoke alarms. They can give you valuable seconds in which to escape from a fire at home. They can literally mean the difference between life and death. Have at least one smoke alarm on each level of your home. These need to be in the hallways as they are your escape routes. If you would like smoke alarms fitted in your home but you cannot do the work yourself, a free service exists which will install them for you. Please call 0800 180 41 40 to arrange your FREE 'Safe and Well' visit. GlosFire staff will also install FREE smoke alarms where necessary. If you don't think you require this service consider if you know anyone who would. Let them know about this important service particularly if they have anyone in their homes that are very young or elderly.