2024 Council of Governor Elections

25 Jul 2024, 10 a.m.

At Gloucestershire Hospitals our Governors are crucial and valued partners, whose expertise, enthusiasm, challenge and support help to shape our Trust.

Our Governors represent the views and interests of Trust members and the local community, including the people who use the Trust's services and their carers; the public; staff; and partner organisations. They help ensure that our Trust is rooted in its community and responds to community needs.

We currently have the following governor vacancies available:

  • Public: Cheltenham (1 vacancy)
  • Public: Tewkesbury (1 vacancy)
  • Public: Stroud (1 vacancy)
  • Public: Out of County (1 vacancy)

Governors have two main responsibilities:

  1. To represent the views of staff, patients and the public, particularly in relation to the Trust’s strategic direction. Representing the views of members. As a member of the Council of Governors, you would act as a link between members and the Board of Directors. The Council helps the Board to make sure that the views of local communities, staff and people who use the Trust’s services are taken into account when plans for services are being developed;
  2. To hold the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board of Directors. Governors are given various opportunities to hold Non-Executive Directors to account, for example by observing their activities, or meeting with them and asking questions.

Learn more about becoming a governor

If you're not yet ready to be a governor, but still want to have your say, be involved and hear what is happening in the Trust, join us as a member (it's free!).

How to apply to become a governor

If you are interested in standing for election as a governor, more information and a nomination form can be obtained online at www.secure.cesvotes.com/GlosHospital2024

If you would like to know more about what it means to be a Governor why not have a chat with the Corporate Governance Team by emailing: ghn-tr.corporategovernance@nhs.net

Deadline for completed nomination forms: 9 August 2024 at 5pm