We are sorry that you may be kept waiting on occasions during your visit. You may have to wait in a corridor until a cubicle or ward bed is available.

This might be because we are currently experiencing a large number of people needing hospital services. During the time you are waiting a dedicated nurse is available to care for patients in the corridor.

Please make them aware if you:

  • are in pain
  • would like something to eat or drink
  • need help with anything
  • are feeling too hot or too cold

If you have any concerns during your wait, please let a member of staff know.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

If you wish to give us feedback on your experience in the Emergency Department today staff can provide you with further information, or alternatively, you can contact:

Tel: 0800 019 3282

Email: ghn-tr.pals.gloshospitals@nhs.net

Friends and Family Test (FFT) for the emergency department

The Friends and Family Test is a national scheme that encourages patients to tell us and other patients what they think about the care they receive. Respond via this link or via the text message or automated telephone call you may receive after you leave the hospital.