Children’s Safeguarding Procedure in the Emergency Department
This page outlines the procedures in place to help ensure the safety of children attending the Emergency Departments in Gloucestershire.
What is safeguarding?
- Protecting children from abuse and treatment which is not appropriate.
- Stopping harm to children’s health or development.
- Helping children grow up with safe and effective care.
- Enabling all children and young people to achieve their potential.
Safeguarding is the term used by professionals when making sure a vulnerable person is not at risk of harm. The laws of this country give clear instructions on protecting children, adults, the elderly and those with learning difficulties.
Safeguarding in Gloucestershire
All healthcare professionals who come into contact with children have a duty under the Children Act 2004 to identify and protect children at risk of, or experiencing harm. These professionals will include doctors, dentists, physiotherapists and nurses. Most children will see at least one of these professionals every year.
Each year lots of children attend the Emergency Departments in Gloucestershire due to accidents or illness. While the children are being treated, hospital staff will carry out routine assessments and follow the Children's Safeguarding (Child Protection) legal requirements.
What does this mean to me?
We recognise that this can be a difficult issue for many families and thank you for your cooperation with our procedures.
To make sure that we protect every child, several staff may:
- ask you very detailed questions about your child’s injury or illness.
- ask to see your child alone.
- ask questions about your child’s mental health.
- ask questions about your mental health.
- discuss any domestic abuse within the family.
- find out about your child’s and your family alcohol and drug use.
- request further investigations for your child.
- talk with doctors in other hospital departments.
- request that you take your child to the Children’s Ward.
- contact your GP and Health Visitor.
- ask about any support which is available for your child and family.
- share information with the Children’s and Young People’s Social Care Department.
Please be reassured that if there are any concerns, we will discuss them with you in an open and sympathetic manner.
Further information
Gloucestershire Multi Agency Safeguarding
Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership provides detailed information and advice about the safeguarding process for children in the county.
Glosfamilies Directory
Offer help and advice to families
Tel: 0800 542 02 02
The Patient Advice & Liaison Service
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester GL2 3NN
Tel: 0800 019 3282 (freephone)