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This page contains useful advice for the carer(s) of a person who has had a head injury. The person who suffered the head injury may not be aware when things are not quite right. For this reason, we recommend that the leaflet attached below is given to someone who will be with the injured person for the next couple of days. Although well enough to leave hospital, it is possible that they may develop new symptoms which need either observing or seeking urgent medical help.

If the person has any of the following symptoms, take them to the nearest Emergency Department as soon as possible or call 999:

  • Unconscious, difficult to wake up or unable to wake up when they would normally be alert.
  • Confused (not knowing where they are, getting things muddled up).
  • Problems understanding or speaking.
  • Loss of balance or problems walking.
  • Weakness in one or more limbs (arms or legs).
  • Any new problems with their eyesight.
  • Very painful headache that will not go away.
  • Continuous vomiting.
  • Any fits (collapsing or passing out suddenly).

Contact NHS 111 for advice if:

  • Clear fluid is coming out of the person’s ear or nose.
  • New bleeding from one or both ears.
  • New deafness in one or both ears.

Things you must do to make sure the person is safe

Do not leave the person alone for the first 48 hours after leaving hospital.

Make sure that there is a telephone nearby and that the person stays within easy reach of medical help.

The person you are observing may have symptoms such as mild headaches and feeling sick (without repeatedly vomiting).

Listed below and on the following page are other common symptoms that the person may have after a head injury.

  • Dizziness or balance problems.
  • Tiredness and problems sleeping.
  • Memory or concentration problems.
  • Irritability or feeling low in mood.
  • Sensitivity to bright lights or loud noises.
  • Lack of appetite.

The symptoms listed do not need urgent medical attention and will usually settle after a couple of weeks.

If the symptoms increase or you are concerned, contact NHS 111 for further advice.

Helping to reduce symptoms

Everyone will recover at their own pace but the advice below may help speed things up:

  • It is recommended that the person should have complete mental and physical rest for 48 hours. This should be followed by a gradual return to normal activities over a period of 2 weeks.
  • The person should avoid stressful situations or situations that need long periods of concentration.
  • They should also avoid alcohol until they feel completely better.
  • Sleeping tablets should not be taken unless discussed with their GP.
  • The person should avoid contact sport for at least 3 weeks.
  • They should not drive a car, ride a motorbike or bicycle or operate machinery until they feel that they have completely recovered.
  • The person should not return to work or studies until they feel that they have recovered from the injury.
  • All screen time (TV, telephone, computer) should be limited. This will help to prevent any symptoms becoming worse. Start with 30 minutes (twice a day) of watching the TV or using a telephone screen or computer. This can be increased slowly each day. If you are in doubt, please contact NHS 111 for advice.

Long-term problems

Most people recover quickly from their injury and have no long-term problems. However, rarely some patients develop problems after a few weeks or months.

If any problems are not improving after 2 weeks, or you have concerns, please contact the person’s GP. For further advice, you can contact NHS 111.

Previous head injuries

Research shows a link between repeated blows to the head, increasing the risk of getting chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which may lead to a long-standing memory problem. Many contact sports organisations recommend a break of 30 weeks after a head injury causing any of the symptoms listed on this page.


We recommend that the person considers this advice before resuming any risky activities.

Further information



FA Concussion Guidelines

England Rugby

Enter ‘England Rugby concussion guidelines’ in your internet search box. Select Final Headcase Extended Guide Feb 2021 from the search results.

Printable version of this page

Discharge advice for carers of adults who have sustained a head injury GHPI0840_01_25 Department: Trauma and Orthopaedics Review due: January 2028 PDF, 326.3 KB, 4 pages
Reference number GHPI0840_01_25
Department Trauma and Orthopaedics
Review due January 2028