This page has been given to you as a reminder on how to manage a single step, up or down, when using sticks, crutches or a walking frame.

Using a walking frame

Going up a step

  1. Place the walking frame next to the step and walk into the frame.
  2. Place all 4 legs of the frame up on the step. Step up with your non-affected leg first and follow with the other leg.

Going down a step

  1. Walk to the edge of the step with your frame.
  2. Place all 4 legs of the frame down the step to the next level. Step down with your affected leg first then bring down the other leg.

Within the PDF below, please see illustrations

Using walking sticks or crutches

Going up a step

  1. Get close to the step.
  2. Put your non-affected leg up first, followed by your affected leg and finally the sticks or crutches.

Going down a step

Walk to the edge of the step.

  1. Place the sticks or crutches down the step.
  2. Step your affected leg down first, followed by your other leg.

For further information, see the GIS Healthcare safety advice leaflet. Please ask your therapist for a copy.

Within the PDF below, please see illustrations

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Managing a single step up or down using walking aids GHPI0518_09_23 Department: Care of the Elderly Review due: September 2026 PDF, 314.1 KB, 3 pages
Reference number GHPI0518_09_23
Department Care of the Elderly
Review due September 2026