Any member of the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust can nominate themselves for a governor vacancy in their constituency. We hold elections most years and, if you are appointed, you will hold office for three years.

What does a governor do?

Governors perform a range of statutory and non-statutory duties. The statutory duties are set out in the NHS Act 2006 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012. They are as follows:

  • To appoint, remove and decide upon the terms of office of the Chair and non-executive directors of the trust
  • To determine the remuneration of the Chair and non-executive directors
  • To appoint or remove the trust’s auditor
  • To approve or not approve the appointment of the trust’s chief executive
  • To receive the annual report and accounts and auditor’s report at a general meeting
  • To hold the non-executive directors to account for the performance of the board
  • To represent the interests of members and the public
  • To approve or not approve increases to non-NHS income of more than 5% of total income
  • To approve or not approve acquisitions, mergers, separations and dissolution.
  • To jointly approve changes to the trust’s constitution with the board
  • To express a view on the board’s plans for the trust in advance of the trust’s submission to Monitor
  • To consider a report from the board of directors each year on the use of income from the provision of goods and services from sources other than the NHS in England.

You can find out more about the role and how it works here: Public governors document

If you have questions or queries about becoming a governor, contact us by emailing or calling 0800 019 3303.

Governor Elections

The next set of Elections will take place in the Spring of 2024 for the following public governor constituencies:

  • Cotswold - one vacancy
  • Forest of Dean – one vacancy
  • Gloucester - one vacancy
  • Tewkesbury – one vacancy

If you are interested in becoming a governor, and live in one of these areas please do get in touch.

Applying to be a governor would put you in a vital position to support the Board of Directors in ensuring we move forward and deliver 'Best Care for Everyone'.

The governor role is open to all, with no prior experience needed, only a passion for improving the lives and health of Gloucestershire’s population. You will need to be IT literate and able to commit to attending meetings online and in person.

In addition, we will also be holding elections for Staff Governors in the following constituencies, Allied Health Professional and Nursing and Midwifery. (One vacancy for each)

Become a governor

Find out more about our public governors

Find out more about our staff governors

To become a governor, you must already be a Foundation Trust member. Find out how to become a member.

Join Gloucestershire Hospitals as a governor and contribute towards a better future for your NHS