

0300 422 3200

Our ophthalmologists carry out a wide range of treatments and surgical procedures for conditions of the eye such as cataracts, glaucoma and retinal problems.

Last updated: 14 November 2022

Ophthalmology telephone numbers

Bookings: 0300 422 4500

Outpatients: 0300 422 3200/ 8358

Emergency Triage

In response to patient demand, we have changed our triage service to 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm. Our triage service is manned by experienced nurse practitioners who work alongside ophthalmologists who are offering a 24/7 service until further notice.

The emergency triage line can be reached on 0300 422 3578.

What to do if you have an eye problem

Please be aware that our ophthalmology service does not provide walk-in or drop-in clinics.

When to go to A&E

If you are suffering from any of the following, please attend the nearest Emergency Department (A&E):

  • chemical injury or chemical splash into the eye
  • foreign body in the eye
  • penetrating injury or eye trauma
  • eye pain associated with headache, nausea, or vomiting with a sudden deterioration in vision

When to see an optician or GP

  • acute, red, painful eye with blurred vision and increased sensitivity to bright light
  • acute, red, painful eye and contact lens wear
  • sudden painless loss of vision, or a curtain or veil, and sudden onset of flashes and floaters

When to call the emergency eye line

  • if you are already a patient under the care of the eye service you can ring the emergency triage number on 0300 422 3578 for help and advice regarding your eye condition or new symptoms.
  • painful, red eye with sudden deterioration of vision following eye surgery or an injection into your eye. You will need to be seen by the eye doctor.

Non-urgent issues

You can seek advice from a pharmacist about simple conditions such as conjunctivitis, or arrange to see an optician or contact your GP.

If you are not sure how urgent your eye problem is, and it is the evening or weekend, you can ring NHS 111.

Emergency eye clinic

Patients who are referred to us for emergency care, either by A&E or another healthcare professional such as a GP, can be seen at our emergency eye clinic.

Patients with sight-threatening and serious eye conditions are seen according to clinical need, in a similar way to A&E.

General outpatient services

We provide the following services:

  • cataract (provided through the general ophthalmology service)
  • corneal and external eye
  • eyelid disorders
  • general medical ophthalmology
  • general ophthalmology
  • glaucoma (provided through the general ophthalmology service)
  • lacrimal
  • medical retina
  • meibomian cyst
  • metabolic eye disease
  • metabolic eye, strabismus, ocular motility and neuro
  • minor operations
  • paediatric ophthalmology
  • suspected cancer
  • vitreo-retinal

Pre-operative assessment

A pre-operative assessment is an essential requirement for anyone having surgery. Your assessment may involve a simple phone call, but some people need to attend a clinic appointment.

Before your appointment, please remove any contact lenses you use:

  • soft lenses should be removed 1 week before your pre-assessment clinic appointment
  • hard and gas permeable lenses should be removed 2 weeks before your pre-assessment clinic appointment

You should bring your current glasses and prescription (where possible), and a list of your current medications or a repeat prescription from your GP.

We will check your blood pressure, test your vision, and take some measurements of your eyes. The nurse will ask you questions about your health and home circumstances and complete relevant documentation. You will be able to discuss your operation and ask any questions that you may have.

If you are taking drugs to thin your blood please let us know as you may require a blood test and advice on taking the drugs before your operation.


Our pre-operative assessment clinics run from 8am to 4pm at both Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal Hospitals:

Cheltenham General Hospital

Ophthalmology Outpatients, East Block
Sandford Road
GL53 7AN

You can contact us on 0300 422 2060 between 8am and 4pm.

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

Ophthalmology Outpatients
First Floor Outpatients Block
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

You can contact us on 0300 422 2060 between 8am and 4pm.


Find out more information about what to expect at your pre-operative assessment.

Inpatient services

Inpatient and day case surgery is currently carried out at Cheltenham General and Tewkesbury Hospitals.

If you have had eye surgery

If you have recently undergone eye surgery or other invasive eye treatment by our hospital ophthalmology team, you can ring our casualty eye line on 0300 422 3578 if you are experiencing:

  • pain
  • sudden deterioration of vision
  • other urgent concerns

Please note this number is for existing patients only. This is a busy line and there may be a wait for your call to be answered.

The line is open between 9am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours your call will be diverted to the operator who can contact the on-call eye doctor as required.

Insight Gloucestershire


Eye Therapy Trust

www.squintclinic.com gives online guide for patients and parents of patients with strabismus

www.myeyedrops.info was developed by doctors at Gloucestershire Hospitals to help patient who struggle with eye drops

www.oculoplastics.info was developed by speciality director, Mr R Caesar about oculoplastic surgery


Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is a qualified Clinical Trials Site of Excellence as a member of the European Vision Institute Clinical Trials Network (EVICR).